Comprehensive Residential Assessment $ 399
Comprehensive Commercial Assessment $ 489 The Comprehensive Assessment consists of two on-site visits each usually lasting about two hours. This Assessment can include a complete interior evaluation with suggestions for any significant outdoor mitigations. This consult results in a thorough written report with photographs, and a walk-through on second visit, with a staged plan for mitigation (and a few follow-up contacts). One-half fee due on first visit, remainder at second visit. Some reasonable travel expenses may be charged. Additional hours, if necessary, are billed at $99 per hour. Subsequent visits or consultations with contractors can be negotiated. Flying Phoenix Consult $ 198 This Consult is a one-time walk-through, up to two hours in length. This is limited to one specific area of concern in the home or office, i.e., layout of one room, basic curb appeal, rearrangement of kitchen appliances, arguing employees, lobby rearrangement, or any number of other one-time questions. This is a walk-through with verbal suggestions only. One follow-up communication is included. Sleeping Dragon Walk-Through $ 99 per listing I can help you decide if the property you are thinking of buying is the one with the most auspicious Feng Shui. I will have to visit each property in person. I can also tell you from an on-line listing whether or not this is a home you should pursue. For multiple listings, a package may be considered depending on travel requirements. Space Clearing $ (Fee to be determined by scope of needs) If you are sensitive to the energy in your home or office, Feng Shui Space Clearing can be the key to harmony and productivity. Clearing is indicated if the space feels either closed in or agitated, when energy from previous owners or renters is apparent, in the aftermath of some other form of disturbance which has occurred in the space, or when employees seem to be antagonistic to one another. Fee to be determined by scope of work. What if . . . In some very rare cases, the consultant may find that the clients’ needs may not be consistent with Feng Shui cures or interventions, in which case the client is responsible for the one-half Assessment retainer only. (Modified 03/2015) |